Jexus Scripts

Scripts by a student in electrical engineering

Pay Less Attention with Lightweight and Dynamic Convolutions​

ICLR 2019 (Oral) paper - slide

My Talk - Unsupervised Syntactic Parsing

Intergrating Tree Structure Inductive Bias into LSTMs

Ordered Neurons - Integrating Tree Structures into Recurrent Neural Networks​

ICLR 2019 (Best Paper Award) paper - slide

Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners (GPT-2)

OpenAI 2019 paper - slide

Easy Introduction to Transformer

paper review — "Attention is all you need"

Robust Chinese Word Segmentation with Contextualized Word Representations

DSP 期末專題 State of the art 中文斷詞

Speech Notes - Hardware-Centric AutoML, Design Automation for Efficient Deep Learning Computing

2019/01/09 Song Han 教授演講速記

Learning to Remember More with Less Memorization​

ICLR 2019 (Oral) paper - slide

Neural Language Modeling by Jointly Learning Syntax and Lexicon

ICLR 2018 paper - slide

Evaluation Metrics for Natural Language Generation

BLEU 及 ROUGE 的簡單介紹